Who We Are
Unlike other neighborhood associations, the D Street District Alliance welcomes both business and residential members. If you live here or own a business in the district, you’re one of us—which means you know just how important D Street is, even if no one else does. It’s up to all of us to take care of this little neighborhood that’s a block away and a world apart.
Residential—Anyone whose primary full-time residence lies within the district (as defined by the DSDA council) is eligible for residential membership, which entails the right to vote for DSDA council posts and serve on DSDA committees. Annual dues are .1% of annual income and can be paid over the course of the year in interest-free installments.
Business—Anyone who owns a for-profit or nonprofit business located within the district (as defined by the DSDA council) is eligible for business membership, which entails the right to vote for DSDA council posts and serve on DSDA committees. Annual dues are .1% of annual profits or net assets and can be paid over the course of the year in interest-free installments.
DSDA Council
Everyone who’s been a DSDA member for at least five consecutive years is eligible to serve on the district council. The council comprises twelve members: six residents and six businesses. In the event of a tie that cannot be resolved through negotiation, we use oracular divination to point the way forward.
Council members are elected by popular vote of the DSDA membership. There are no term limits, but the DSDA membership can recall any council member at any time. Elections are held when a council post opens for any reason (resigning, recall, leaving the district, death, unexplained disappearance, etc.).
Volunteer Opportunities!
The DSDA Council is currently seeking volunteers for the following committees:
Renewal of the Wards—Perhaps the most important committee in the district. Adept practitioners only.
Mail Distribution—Always a challenging task in a neighborhood you can’t find on a map (or on GPS). If you like to walk and enjoy meeting your neighbors and hearing the latest gossip, this committee’s for you.
Chamber of Discipline—The cops mostly don’t know we’re here, and we’d like to keep it that way; but that requires us to administer our own justice. If you’re brave, tough, kind, and scrupulously fair—and especially if you’re skilled with firearms, martial arts, or combat magic—the district could use your help.
Governmental Liaison—Help D Street stay in the good graces of those few in local, state, and national government who know about us. Seeking people who can exert influence, whether it’s personal, financial, magical, or otherwise.